You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > View Orders

View Orders

You use the View orders button on the navigation bar to display a list of all your orders and view order details including the order status, order number, date, amount and invoice number. You can also copy, edit or delete orders, print an order or reprint an invoice.

To view and maintain your orders:

  1. Select the View orders button on the navigation bar.

Micronet displays the View orders screen showing all your current and past orders with the online store.

This screen displays the following details:






The order status. Options are:

  • Current – the order you have worked on most recently
  • Incomplete – an order that has been saved but not submitted
  • Template – an order that has been saved as a template and can be used to create a new order (for more information, refer to "Saving and Using Order Templates")
  • POA – an order that contains Price on Application items that must be quoted to the customer before the order continues (for more information, refer to "Price on Application Items")
  • Submitted – an order that has been submitted to the online store
  • Slipped – an order that has been picked by the online store
  • Processing – an order that has been submitted to the online store but not yet replicated in Micronet, e.g. because ODBC is down or orders are submitted offline. When the Replicator is run, the order status will change to Submitted.
  • Invoiced – an order that has been invoiced in Micronet. For supply chain orders, the status is only updated to Invoiced when the order has been fully invoiced.


Order No

The customer order number entered during checkout, if applicable.



The order description entered during checkout, if applicable. If no description has been entered, the order you have worked on most recently displays the description "My Current Order".



The warehouse the order is being supplied from.



The date the order was created.



The order total.


Slip No

If the order has been picked, the picking slip number.


Invoice No

If the order has been invoiced in Micronet, the invoice number.

For supply chain orders, this is the number of the last invoice created for the order.



The courier consignment note number, if applicable.



The courier number assigned to the order, if any.

  1. Select the Refresh button at the top of the screen to update the order details on the View orders screen, such as the order status, or to view newly created orders.

  1. In the screen footer, you can select a page number to move between the pages of orders.

Alternatively, you can select the View All button to view all orders on a single page. Note that this can take some time depending on the number of orders to be displayed.

Select the View By Page button to return to page view.

  1. You can also perform the following actions on the View orders screen: